Saturday, November 5, 2011

Graphic: Quarantined Counties in Canada

In the United States, the Forest Service and the Department of Agriculture share some of the responsibility for developing a plan of attack against invasive species. In Canada, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency dispenses information about invasive species. Their website, provides the Canadian communities with a webpage that seems, to me, a little too full of headings, bold text, and hyperlinks. Many of the resources link to the main EAB information page, which means the website maintains international credibility.

A few things struck me about this map, found on the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's website. It displays topography, and strong colors, including blue for rivers—which are often left out of the US maps. The map reads in both English and French, showing great audience awareness for those in Québec (generally French speaking) and Ontario. 

However, the map shows four different colors of regulation. The viewer remains unaware of the color's significance. At a quick glance, it seems the colors indicate different levels of regulation. The legend should provide meaning, but instead mentions "Areas regulated by ministerial order," which still doesn't explain the different colors.

Canadian Food Inspection Agency Mapping and GIS Service. Aug. 2011.

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